Remember: Food is made of BIOMOLECULES
The food we eat comes from living things. Food is organic, which means it has high energy bonds and can burn. When your body uses food for energy it breaks the high energy bonds in the food, releasing the energy. We also eat food in order to grow. The food we eat contains the molecules that are needed to make more cells.
When you buy food at the store it comes with a nutrition label. This label tells you what kind of molecules are found in the food and how much energy is stored in the bonds of the molecules. Calories - measure energy Molecules that contain energy are CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, and FATS. Fats include saturated and unsaturated fat as well as cholesterol. Carbohydrates include sugar, fiber, and starch. Non-energy molecules are vitamins, minerals, and water. |
The energy is stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups. When one of these bonds is broken (usually the bond between the second and third phosphate), ATP is converted into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and energy is released. This energy is then used for various cellular activities, like muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and chemical reactions.
Cells can regenerate ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate, making ATP a continuously used and reused energy source. ATP is essential for all life. Without it, cells wouldn’t be able to perform necessary functions, which means organisms wouldn’t survive. The energy needed to produce ATP from ADP comes from the high energy bonds in biomolecules when they are broken down during cellular respiration. |